Finally, Arrowverse’s Earth-Prime Comic has set up a major organization in the capital

The second issue of DC’s earth head Comics have arrived today, expanding the world of The CW’s Arrowverse shows just a little bit by offering unseen and untold stories featuring the heroes of the television multiverse. This week, it’s Superman and LouisThrough three stories that show the side of the relationship between Lewis and Clark, as well as with Clark and his father and half-brother Tal Rowe. While each story has something interesting to offer, the first (and main) story of the issue referred to a large organization in DC, and finally announced it in the Arrowverse. Warning: spoilers for Earth-Prime: Superman and Louis #2 below.

In the first story, Lewis and Clark tell their sons why they celebrated their wedding anniversary four days after the actual date of their marriage, something Lewis says is “a kind of funny story.” The story then walks the reader through those four days in the year following their wedding as the couple makes—and frequently misses—reservations for dinner. The reasons why they miss booking are all routine since this is Superman and Lois Lane. There is always some crisis that Superman needs to solve or some problem in daily planet which Lois needs to deal with, which at one point includes a jammed press. Through the story, newspaper headlines give a bit more insight into the details of things, including the headline that reads “Intergang on the Rise: Mayor vows tough stance against high-tech weapons.” As the story continues, we discover that Intergang’s followers, including Toyman, were behind the problem with the printing press but it’s a much bigger problem as Lois discovers Bruno Manheim has plans to take over the city.

The inclusion of Intergang and Bruno Manheim in the comics authorizes their presence in the Arrowverse, specifically the Earth-Prime. As Arrowverse fans know, Intergang and Bruno Manheim were previously mentioned in Season 6 of Arrow As Felicity Smoke tells Oliver Queen about the local attorney Alexa Van Owen who is prosecuting Oliver and has a history of handling very difficult cases. Alexa is the attorney who convicted Mannheim and brought down Intergang. There was also Intergang on Earth-38 (aka super girlEarth) as it was mentioned as one of the terrorist organizations for which John Corbyn worked as a mercenary.

Inclusion of Intergang in Earth-Prime: Superman and Louis #2 seems more appropriate for the organization as it is presented in the comics and by being presented here, it is possible that the CW series has always used this version of the organization as a future threat to Superman – or even Lois – as the series continues. Superman and Louis Already renewed for a third season by The CW, the show was included in a raft of early renewals for the network late last month. As for the second season of the program, it is currently broadcasting, and it is scheduled to be shown definitively on Tuesday, June 21.

Earth-Prime: Superman and Louis #2 is now available wherever comics are sold.



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